Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Portraits from the holis

Here are a couple of portraits I managed to get done from life these past holidays. Both are acrylic on canvas.

1 and 1/2 hrs

2 and 1/2 hrs


  1. looking good bro, you got some strong form and depth going on the second one.The expression on first one freaks me a little, very kool. Keep it up

  2. If what you mainly draw and paint is people then yes but Id also think doing studies of other things would really help too, ie plants, animals, vechiles, landscapes, buildings etc. Expanding my repetiteur is what im trying to work on atm. To learn anatomy Id recommend keeping up with the life drawing, i think that is the best way to learn anatomy and observation. Anatomy books helped me a bit but i got the real eureka moments from life drawing.
